My Favorite Custom Order: Gurgi from "The Black Cauldron" Inspired Stuffed Animal
Introducing my favorite custom order so far: Gurgi Inspired Stuffed Animal!!

If you've watched the Disney's "The Black Cauldron" movie before, you're familiar with this adorable little character. With his fluffy mustache and cute little paws, he's got to be the cutest creature ever!
The Inspiration Behind Gurgi
I, for one, have never watched "The Black Cauldron". I was very interested when someone requested this as a stuffed animal. "Oh, that'll be easy. It's so cute, there's got to be a crochet pattern out there somewhere," I said to myself, but when I started looking for patterns I found none! I willingly took on the challenge of making a Gurgi completely from scratch, with only a few vintage stuffed animal pictures to give me a faint idea of the shape.

The face was the hardest for me. I felt it was a major part of Gurgi's personality and what made him so special. I battled whether or not to add blue plastic safety eyes, but I decided to crochet my own eyes so I could have the positioning I wanted.
After every extremity was complete and sewn on, I moved on to the hair. Another distinguishing feature is Gurgi's loveably messy mop of hair and his mustache. I had a plan to unravel each twisted strand of yarn and brush it out with a hard-bristle brush. It took a while, but I'm very happy with the finished product!

Happy crocheting!
-- Julia from The Kotton Kaboodle